Manarovs - Callsign: Proton Lp or Cd

Manarovs, from Savannah,
Georgia, are back with their
sophomore full length and they’ve
brought their A-Game with them.
This new album is titled
“Callsign:Proton” and you can
expect more of the same formula
from their debut Self Titled album
that we released a couple years
back! Shared vocals between
Peterson and Jeff are back in full
force along with buzzing guitars
and lightning fast drumming.. you
know, the shit we love. I’m going
to let you in on a secret, this
album is somehow better than the
first one. These dudes aren’t one
of those “drop a scorcher and get
shitty over time” bands, they show
growth while maintaining the
sound that made us love them in
the first place. Throw this slab on
your turntable and buckle up. I’m
calling it right now.. this will be in
everyone’s top ten of 2024.
Side A
Us Vs Them
Bad Mission
Anywhere For You
I Am Lost In Time
Mr.Snow Leopard
Lost In Space
I Don’t Wanna Kill For You
Side B
Just Wait
Another Night Without You
Pitch Black
Long Time Ago
Nowhere To Run
The End